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around here rarely actually provide safe passage. I use them anyway, if only to give me something to point to when shouting at the motorists trying to run me over.

But this particular beg button is hardly worth the effort.

I really do try to believe that most* drivers aren't careless about the lives of others, but rather clueless. That's why I put together videos from my handlebar camera to show, from a bicyclist's perspective, what their driving looks and feels like.

The video here is a sample of dangerous--egregiously dangerous--overtakes by motorists over the course of a year.

*I said most.

This is some incredibly disappointing framing from the usually good .

1. "A driver struck and injured a pedestrian on North Carolina Highway 54 late on Sunday night — but according to Carrboro Police, the pedestrian was at fault in the incident."

right off the bat, unquestioning whether or not police should also play judge & jury...

Exhibit A: Why you can fix a dangerous street with a sign.
The in this video was a great first draft at calming traffic on this neighborhood street, but it's no longer effective. This video shows 48 times drivers--including professionals with CDLs--ignored it over a few hours' worth of filming in April 2023.

I really, really, really don't give a flying flip about that time you saw a bicyclist run a stop sign.

Also let's stop designing city streets like drag strips.

*How to get Safe Systems wrong...and how to get it right*
This video is one of my absolute favorite products from (Collaborative Sciences Center for ), featuring two of my absolute favorite researchers and colleagues: @sethlaj & Eric Dumbaugh

It's worth your 30 minutes.

I created this a year ago to help address the ridiculous conditions US impose on . This is a 2-stage crossing on the way to my kid's elementary school. Complying with the signal here means a 3-minute crossing, including a substantial wait in an unprotected refuge island.

Thanks to for help on crafting the message.

Curious to know if there's research on the effectiveness of "turning vehicles yield to peds" signs like the one deployed here (simple sign on an overhead wire, no other countermeasures). My search is coming up empty.


Still trying to process yesterday's close call with a reckless driver by looking through some of my old video footage. I put together a little montage of the a sample of the worst of it.

Y'all, I really just don't want to anymore. At least not with people who aren't willing to share back.

Today I was a single pedal stroke away from being killed by a reckless driver in an oversized vehicle at a dangerous intersection in a transportation system that couldn't care less.

Some day we will stop pretending we can fix unsafe street design with signs.

This is just a sample of yesterday's runners in my neighborhood in . The full video includes nearly 100 more stop sign runners (including a school bus!) and is almost ten minutes long.

What excuses will we make this time to justify propping up a system that kills over 40,000 humans a year? How many more lives need to be sacrificed before it's worth investing in safer roads, safer vehicles, safer systems?

I don't understand why DC's isn't the norm. Large are freeloaders. Their weight accelerates pavement wear, increasing road maintenance cost. Their length reduces space available for other cars, increasing congestion. Their width increases the risk of sideswipe collisions. Their height increases the risk of fatalities & serious injuries when crashes do happen.
It's ridiculous we don't charge extra for all that.

Me: we have to measure these crossing distances, as well
Them: but people shouldn't be walking there
Me: but people do walk there
Them: but it's not safe to walk there
Me: all the more reason to measure it
Them: but there's nowhere to walk to
Me: you can walk to a homeless encampment
Them: but...but...but...

We can't keep people safe from violence if we can't keep them housed.

We have designed an intersection, a road, a neighborhood, a world, in which people in cars are conditioned to not notice anything around them. Even if what's around them is their neighbors...or their neighbors' kids.

Yeah, I'm upset at my neighbors for putting my kid's life in danger.

But I'm pissed at the system that allows them to do it SO DAMN EASILY.

We know how to design better streets. We just choose not to do it.

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Still waiting for a valid argument as to why doesn't regulate motor vehicle size or aftermarket modifications

Drivers parking in a ...check
Drivers speeding in a ...check
Drivers overtaking into on-coming traffic that includes a ...check

Just your average 5.7 seconds trying to get the kid to school alive without a car.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!