Local news highlighting offices adding massage parlors, nap rooms, and golf simulators to lure workers back to the office.

Want me back in the office? Count my commute time as work time. That’s it. That’s all.

@bikepedantic I can't think of a more powerful disincentive to go into the office than the presence of a massage parlor

Would I like a massage? Sure!
Would I like it at work, alongside my colleagues? OMG no. Never.

I think I have permanently traumatized myself with the image that just popped in my head.


@DrTCombs right? and imagine, getting a little tense in a meeting, and a colleague or boss suggesting, "you should go catch a massage." nononononononono

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@bikepedantic I just threw up in my mouth

the thought of napping with my colleagues is similary appalling. And golf is dumb.

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