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If you bet on ‘after Valentine’s Day’ for me taking down our tree, sorry loser

Ten of us queued to make the Community Path crossing at Mass at 5pm yesterday

Considering that there’s seemingly like twelve people in the building today, the Volpe Center cargobike share is looking great for January

Peabody Bike Bus cancelled for weather again, but we tented up the Urban Arrow, grabbed a neighbor buddy, and tackled Boston’s January rains

Amazing deal: A Bunch Coupe e-trike, with only 90 miles showing, for only $1500! The hitch? It’s in Whitesburg TN (which sounds like a fictional town in the 30 Rock universe)

Lookit, if you give Amazon your palm prints, you’re kinda beyond help maybe

The automotive engineer who first said, “hey let’s use the horn as the user feedback to let em know the remote locks locked”:

Cambridge maintains their separated bike lanes and trails year-round, so we keep on using them year round. Thank you, DPW!

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