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I think there’s a bit of subtle sexism in the jokes that Linda Yaccarino is just white-knuckling her way through all the turmoil. Women are capable of colossally damaging hubris too.

Alt text - view of bike cockpit from above, a 750ml half empty bottle of paddy whiskey is being carried in an upright stem-mounted bottle cage

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my rather newish high-efficiency gas boiler appears to get its efficiency from failing to light, and therefore consumes no gas to heat any water. So green!

It's looking like Saturday will be a beautiful day to enjoy Riverbend Park. Come out and ride bikes with us. We will make it clear to MassDCR that we're going to create and enjoy a car free memorial drive every Saturday, with or without their help.

I think we forget that “reduce, reuse, recycle” is intentionally ordered.

First, reduce your consumption.

If you *can’t* reduce your consumption, reuse the things you consume.

If you can’t do either, then, *as a last resort*, recycle.

EDIT: This is not me telling you to do this. I am bad at all of these. I’m trying only to make a very small point here about this slogan. I hate viral preachy eco-scolding on Mastodon and I don’t want to contribute to that.

Great News: Notice of Intent is out for 11th St NW (Penn to L) bus lanes, includes protected bike lanes.

This corridor has been low hanging fruit for awhile (70’ wide for 11k cars a day!) but credit DDOT for including PBLs when they’re not in long-range plans, AND parallel corridor like 300’ away (9th) just got PBLs for same extent.

Hey somerville,

what's the plan for Highland Ave? i vaguely recall hearing talk of PBLs when i first moved here, i haven't really kept tabs on the new bike plan, and am just too lazy to search.

Is there any sort of near/medium term possibility of improvements, or am imagining/dreaming?

Waiting at a corner at a light to change aboard my rather-unique cargobike, a VW Golf packed with my kid’s classmates screamed out, “HI ELLIE’S DAD!!!”

I cannot overstate the ego boost that results from operating a vehicle that makes you locally famous(ish) with kids.

Bill Gates recently wrote about various risks of AI including deep fakes & misinformation, job loss, students failing to learn due to over-dependence on AI and automation of biased decision making.

He compares AI to cars and says we will figure out how to manage the risks. I think the comparison is apt since cars cause 40K deaths a year in the US and dump millions of tons of pollution into the air every year. They have also reshaped how cities are built and where we work

“I really wish everything would just goddamn work,” says Gen-x about everything

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the thing that has me outmatched with both parenting and having old parents rn is serving as their IT Help Desk

Flight delayed 90 minutes but at least our plane is gonna get here and I’m sure those blotches are nothing to worry about

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!