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My all time favorite TV show (Homicide), which had the greatest single episode of any show (The Subway) is finally streaming (Peaccock).

In a rare upset over an incumbent, challenger Evan McKay is on track to defeat Riverbend Park Antagonist Rep. Marjorie Decker in Cambridge State House race:

People talking on their phones on the trail, esp about work, stress me out.

Achieved peak Cambridge smug: Cargobiked to polls to cast a 100% uncontested ballot that included Elizabeth Warren.

Allston Christmas haul so far: An IKEA pine queen sized bed frame, and a solid wood bookshelf.

I thing I want and am far too lazy to organize is a bike swap meet/jumble in Camberville.

More bikes than cars at Mass/Cedar/trail intersection in Cambridge.

Oh and this wasn’t some lazy Saturday afternoon, it was 8:56 am on a Thursday morning.

When you find yourself fretting over the safety of someone you encounter on a bike, ask yourself, "am I part of what's making them unsafe?"

If you* are behind a steering wheel, the answer is probably yes.

Your National Park Service (NPS) has done an Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for ebikes generally, and so individual NPS superintendents can make park-specific policies on allowing ebikes.

AITA because i don't want to see my kid display all the cool stuff she's learned, i just want you to watch her for the allotted times so i can try to keep my job.

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I paid $80 extra so I could work a full 40 hours this week, but I’m now putting in a leave slip to ditch work 2 hours early to watch my kid sing or something for 5 minutes and then come home. Perfect.

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Summer camps that charge extra for a longer day, yet also do an ‘optional’ event at the end of the week where you can see the kids perform or whatever, and then you to take them home early… No more. No more.

Mild Covid has wrecked my running program
My wrecked running program has wrecked my mental health
My wrecked mental health has wrecked every facet of my life

You may not like it but this is what peak automotive design looks like

From the (imperfect) FHWA financial tracking system, total obligations reported of Fed $$$ to walking and bicycling projects. Extensive data caveats, but...

No way I’m going to ride these rapid-development-depreciation waves with my own money. I’ll transition to EV when they are part of my local carshare. Make this someone else’s problem.

oh, speaking of Wordle, I hate Wordle

Wordle 1,164 4/6


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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!