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@Transportist what about just living in an exhausted state of cognitive dissonance and despair all the time? No one else doing that one?

@jedsetter Hybrid models are still pretty new though, from what I'm reading.

Another solution would be at least one dedicated bike parking spot on every block/in every set of car spots, and bikes always have to be left in such a spot, but can't imagine that any time soon in Sydney!

@jedsetter but in areas of potentially dense use like our CBD, it would make sense to make dedicated parking space for them, and it would make sense to ensure they are parked in this space, and docks are the easiest way to do that. /...

@jedsetter If you define any undocked bike as junk, then yes they will be junk....

Think we need more creative solutions than a dichotomy. The great thing about bikes is you don't need the density of people going to the same place that you need for public transport. I'm not sure what density of use make a shared bike 'worthwhile' in a lifecycle cost/emissions sense but I suspect it's not high. So, people should be able to ride to spots where it just doesn't make sense to have a whole dock. /..

@michcampbell I thought the whole reason I became a nominal Arts student was to cut down on Deans...

@milesmcbain not sure either are great from a sustainable transport perspective (yes I have a one track perspective), though I'm not that familiar with individual cities in Canada, maybe some of them are good. Agree that a lot of places are facing similar problems.

@haraldkliems @bikepedantic Making me feel lucky (for once) to be in NSW, as all unsignalised crosswalks are 'high visibility' by this definition, and we don't even try to use unsignalised crosswalks over 50km/hr (30mph).

I see videos of American drivers blowing through unsignalised crosswalks on 4 lane roads with a 70km+ speed limit, and like.... what do the road designers really expect to happen?

@michcampbell Totally bizarre. If you didn't believe in it you didn't have to publish it... 'Nature' does seem to create a sort of exaggeration/simplification force field but nobody's actually forcing you to publish there to have a career.

Your correspondent taking 'walking' holidays at a young age.

(Mum is going through old photo albums).

@timrichards You don't become a citizen officially until the ceremony, despite approval. To enrol to vote you need a 'citizenship number' which I guess is on the certificate they give you at the ceremony.

So, just over 6 weeks to the referendum. My partner's citizenship was approved a few weeks ago, he will get 4 weeks notice of the citizenship ceremony at some undetermined point... what are the chances?

@chargrille Wild that these people will probably be referred to as climate extremists, even though the demands are so mild... the whole thing is a destructive single-use car-centric hell, the private jets are just the tip of the iceberg.

@cestfleuve I laughed.... but the idea that oversized vehicles prove your masculinity or vice versa is part of why they are proliferating... I don't know what the alternative tack is there though.

The jam is out of the national doughnut

- best description I've heard of Australia post Wednesday

@herbert_tiemens @jedsetter @Alon How did you get hold of them? I was at a station with no OEBB office, only a DB office who shrugged and said to ring OEBB. Spent an hour trying two of their numbers (at considerable expense I realised later) without anyone picking up. Was all very obscure compared to the same situation in an airport. Perhaps more people would have been answering the phones the next day, but I needed to be somewhere the next day.

@jedsetter @herbert_tiemens @Alon True, it's only easy when it goes right.

I had a cancelled night train (storms) with 3 hours notice and no alternatives possible and no way to even get on to OEBB. Ended up getting a 16 hour bus... not fun.

Seems like one of the biggest drawbacks compared to flying at the moment - airlines have procedures for rescheduling, providing hotels etc. Night train providers just have refunds and 'good luck getting there some other way'.

@herbert_tiemens @Alon Lol yes was surprised by some of the wording - caught a lot of very full long-distance trains this European summer and can't imagine everyone on them was 'hardcore greens'. I guess it depends on the trip. Paris to Berlin is pretty easy; Paris to Goteborg was on the masochistic side.

reviewer 2, please come back to me, reviewer 2, I need you....

(4 months since submitting revisions, one reviewer came back, one has missed the deadline and who knows what's going on. I know this is not even long in the scheme of academia... got to be one of the worst things about it though)

@europlus oh gosh I just read your posts, sounds exhausting. I gave up on T00t a while ago, except for a high priority list. Lists are good, I recommend them!

@mekkaokereke Depressing thread so feel I should also say I did a very good 'Engineering Ethics' course in my masters, and later TA'd it. Unfortunately it was mostly the work of one inspired academic who has since retired. This paper gives some idea of his style:

Definitely hard to do well... but it can be done

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