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#Citizenscience project Telraam
has a new sensor! Thanks to #AI you can count traffic on your street even more accurately.
Info about the new sensor:
'Telraam Talks Live' on Thursday 13/4, 8pm will discuss the new sensor:
cc @rob_telraam

@StuartDNeilson @Scivil

We are working on an outdoor variant for such things - but unlikely before end 2023.

No need for mobile as the device is IoT enabled, and may include solar charger (TBD).

You can still evaluate bike lanes etc by involving local residents with views of streets from their windows!

Bonus ... they participate in local planning processes

Benieuwd hoeveel verkeer er door jouw straat gaat? Tel mee met Telraam en meet met een sensor het verkeer in jouw straat! Samen met de verkeerstellers in Amsterdam-Noord wordt onderzocht hoe daar meer 'fietsgeluk' georganiseerd kan worden.
Meld je aan:

Join us for the official launch of the Telraam S2 - the AI counting device

March 2nd, 12:30 PM - 1 PM (CET)

Info on features, pricing and availability and some early case studies.

30 minutes well spent if you are interested in and

Please boost for reach 🙏

📢 We are #hiring!
Analyst — Health & Economic Impacts of Air Pollution

🔎 CREA is looking for an #Analyst responsible for applying our existing methodology to calculate health & economic impacts of #AirPollution.

Learn more & apply here 👇

Was talking to a reporter yesterday about how to learn the climate beat and realized I couldn’t confidently recommend that she do what I did anymore — follow a bunch of prospective sources, experts, and analysts on Twitter and try to understand the networks between them.

Between Twitter’s decay and the AI-ification of search engines, I’m not sure anyone is ready for how much the core mechanisms of primary-source discovery on the web could be about to degrade.

@benfulton @davidzipper an autonomous vehicle could also be a bus 😉

but the point is that not all journeys need to be 'any point' to 'any point' but could in fact be pre-planned and therefore easier to deal with

2. these shared vehicles, as part of an overall shift away from private car ownership, would still allow for use of cars for journeys where this was the best mode, easing the overall transition to a better, more active and less impactful transport mix

3. in any case, autonomous vehicles may be best for 'routes' (e.g. deliveries, commutes, or travel to a 'hub') and not be required for the truly complex door-to-door model we currently imagine

@davidzipper interesting article, but can I add a couple of extra thoughts?

1. autonomous cars might be best not for shared rides, but as shared vehicles. You can still take a 'private' journey, but you no longer need a private car in order to do that - you just get one to turn up when needed. The result may be similar number of journeys, but many fewer vehicles required. This addresses the issue of urban parking as well as car production


USDOT National Roadway Safety Strategy launches Call to Action

“Today we are issuing a national call to action and asking all Americans—including private industry, non-profit and advocacy organizations, and every level of government—to join us in acting to save lives on our roadways.” --Secretary Pete

I'm hiring a postdoc! If you know a really great new PhD interested in pollution, sensors, and participatory science, please send them my way. This is a 3-year appointment with a big focus on multi-disciplinary collaboration and community engagement. #sts #citizenscience #soil #sensors #job #environmentaljustice

I've just discovered there's a petition on the #UK government petitions website to remove #LGBT content from the curriculum, resurrecting the horrendous Section 28 from the 1980s.

There is also a counter-petition. As of this morning, the remove petition has over 178,000 signatures, the counter-petition has just over 2,500 signatures.

Please sign the counter-petition.

Petition is UK residents and British citizens only, but anyone can boost.
#LGBTQ #TransRights #Trans

New study finds on average low traffic neighbourhoods in London don't lead to major displacement of motor traffic to boundary roads. Research finds decrease within the LTNs, adding to research showing traffic reduction schemes lead to traffic evaporation.

#London #LondonCycling #BikeTooter #urbanism #cities

Really interesting data on 'motonormativity' and demonstrating the need for not only focusing on risks and effects of driving, but the world view that underpins it

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!