
In other news, I’ve decided (in consultation with my therapist) to be a bit gross and self-indulgent this summer (but not risky, unhealthy, or kid-neglecty ways).

Gonna need a burner account for , because two pounds of brussel sprouts in a sitting is just the warmup

I think I like ‘glumspringa’ and feel like fun wordplay gives me license to do more depravities

@bikepedantic I love that you have turned to humor. I did/do the same. Laughing is easier than crying. 🤗

@bikepedantic if 2 pounds of roasted sprouts is wrong, who wants to be right?

@bikepedantic Why am I picturing Letterkenny and the Mennonites? 😏

@Lyle I’m sad and have given myself license to do immature things I would not have done before

@bikepedantic fun, good luck. For a good chunk of my twenties I avoided doing things I loved (games, comic books, etc) because I thought they were for kids. No, they’re just fun things I like

@bikepedantic do baked goods that include friendship mixed in count as unhealthy? still waiting on that next order.

@femmeUTCD glumspringa is sadly going to include a ridiculous crash diet so baked goods are off the table for a while

@bikepedantic I was trying to also figure out how I could make a gross & self-indulgent quip about these things, but it’s not coming to me, so instead I’ll publicly acknowledge that Darren invented this object by drawing it one day, & had his contract engineer refine it. There are probably now 2,000 of these (and growing) on DC streets protecting bike lanes all over town, & I get a request for the specifications every 2 weeks from some other jurisdiction.

@Will @bikepedantic wait can you tell me more about these dividers and the process by which they were invented? I just assumed some company somewhere makes a collection of dividers in various shapes, and DDOT effectively just selected one from a catalog. I know nothing about how procurement works, let alone for bike infrastructure.

@Will @geowurster not much to tell - DGS was doing some roadwork for MLS stadium. They were willing to move a couple of catchbasins, do anything in-street, but no heavy moving of curbs. And we had like 12 weeks to throw together a full design

We wanted to do fancy in-street buffers a la C St NE, but 2nd St SW is uncrowned and in a big floodplain, and we had no time to really design something that would drain well. But still wanted to do something 'nice.' So, we came up with the capsule things.

@Will @bikepedantic -- it needs a name - it's not a jersey barrier it's a ?

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