Our usual route being repaved today, we took a chance on the crossing from hell on the way home from school.

Yep, still hell.


Biking 1.5 miles to school today, my kid & I...

1. waited while a school bus ran a stop sign
2. swerved to avoid a car passing us on the left as we turned left
3. sat at a light for 4 min to get a walk signal
4. slammed on the brakes to not get t-boned by an SUV in a crosswalk

We don't pollute, make noise, cause pavement wear, or threaten anyone's safety. Yet our roads still force us to defer to cars or risk death.

And we're the entitled ones? Entitled to what??

best part of my day is the breathless conversations I have with my kid while I try to keep up with her when we

I could drive, and sit in traffic with everyone else.
Or I could ride my , and whiz past that traffic in the fast lane.


This week in Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets: Matching walking and biking infrastructure to environment, traffic, and population contexts.

Lesson 1: Grading the appropriateness of infrastructure based on SEVDEA principles: Separation, Elevation, Visibility, Dedication, Accommodation, and Escapability

Trying to think of something witty to say about the truck full of leafblowers blocking the bike lane (and parked facing the wrong direction) today but I'm all out of gas.

I recently switched from a step-over with a somewhat aggressive riding position (and famously no rear brake pads...youtu.be/SEDkUxUwc6s?t=352) to an upright, step-thru model.

And the number of older women who have stopped to talk to me about , and about their hopes that they can regain some mobility and freedom with an e-bike, has been amazing.

-- especially compact, accessible ones -- really can change lives!

Fellow riders - friendly reminder to angle your headlights slightly down and kick off your high beams in high traffic areas or when you see another road/path user headed toward you...just as you would in a car!

I met a lovely lady this morning who told me about having been blinded on our local bike path while walking her dog last night. Wasn't me, but I can see how it could have been.

One of the best things about bike commuting is, well, not having to drive home.

I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. But at least I don't have to attempt to operate a multi ton machine capable of killing people the moment I let my guard down.

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The other night the kid and I e-biked home from a late theater rehearsal via a cross-town in and . It was a clear enough night that she was picking out constellations as I pedaled.

We also saw 3 deer and an owl. More greenways, please!

Video of our journey ⤵️, at 8x speed.


What we're talking about this week in my Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets course:
1. The legal frameworks that should guarantee ...and why they fail,
2. The 4 types of cyclists, and
3. The* downsides* of many well-meaning "safety" campaigns, including this one: fox5dc.com/news/make-eye-conta

It is truly astonishing to me how many drivers are willing to drive on the wrong side of the road on a blind curve rather than wait two seconds to pass me on a straightaway.

is approaching. Should I get a to go with it?

Happy New Bike Day to all who are, like me, unexpectedly celebrating!

Makes my heart sing to see these two friends biking home from school together.
Makes my stomach turn to see the crappy infrastructure they've been provided.

We are failing our children when we refuse to provide them safe, dignified streets.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!