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My bike camera is mounted almost 3' off the ground. There is zero reason for a vehicle this size to exist, much less to roam neighborhood streets while kids are out walking & biking to school.

Public comment period is open for NC's 2026-2035 STIP (State Improvement Program).

If you care about how the state decides what transportation facilities to spend money on, please weigh in!

Last day of . The kid's biking all the way home on her own for the first time.

We've been practicing for this day for weeks. She knows the rules, knows how to handle her bike, knows to look out for drivers because they're not looking out for her.

We can do this.

If you are out on the roads this afternoon, PLEASE keep your eyes peeled for happy kids about to embark on the best summer of their lives.

Ask me how awesome it feels to watch driver after driver cut you off in a while looking at their phones.

We need dedicated, protected phases at every *signalized* intersection.

And not after making us wait for 3 minutes.

Please and thank you.

There's a quarter-mile stretch of on our route to that lets us momentarily forget to worry about the multi-ton high speed metal boxes that threaten our lives every day.

A moment of bliss in an otherwise screwed up world.

This morning's started out a little prickly, but it's hard to stay mad when you're riding a . And if there's any angst leftover by the time you get to school, you can hug it out at the rack.

This morning we met up with 6 (SIX!) other during our ride to school. Six smiling, happy, slightly flushed faces, all bright eyed and ready to start their day.

The activity, socialization, & independence these kids are getting is no small thing. The change in my kid's resilience & attitude since she's been riding her own bike to school has been remarkable.

When we deny kids , we deny them a huge part of their life.

parents of my kid's school just got a *lengthy* voicemail talking-to by the principal regarding their reckless parking behavior and I AM HERE FOR IT.

In early 2020, my daughter dropped out of kindergarten to write her first book. I've been told a second edition is in the works.

around here rarely actually provide safe passage. I use them anyway, if only to give me something to point to when shouting at the motorists trying to run me over.

But this particular beg button is hardly worth the effort.

I really do try to believe that most* drivers aren't careless about the lives of others, but rather clueless. That's why I put together videos from my handlebar camera to show, from a bicyclist's perspective, what their driving looks and feels like.

The video here is a sample of dangerous--egregiously dangerous--overtakes by motorists over the course of a year.

*I said most.

This guy. Just ever-so-nonchalantly rolls the stop sign and then overtakes my kid and me in the middle of an intersection as we biked home from school.

You wouldn't do this to someone in a car. Don't do it to someone on a bike.

"Oh I'll only be here a minute."

It takes a lot less than a minute to get someone killed when you park in a bike lane. Next to a crosswalk. Outside an elementary school.

This fellow parent put me, my kid, and everyone else who leaves school in this direction in danger today with her selfish, lazy, entitled behavior.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!