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New research in JTLU: “The distribution of shared parking use in time and space: A case study in Guangzhou, China” by Juan Wang and Pengyu Zhu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

#parking #LandUse #transit (1/2)

for me is waking up every morning for the past year and a half wondering which joint in my previously healthy body is going to be inflamed and whether it will be debilitatingly so.

New vaccines are coming out soon. Get one, y'all. And . Please.

"Why on earth would we build a protected bike lane when you already have a perfectly good sidewalk?"

The perfectly good sidewalk:

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It really says something about the USA that a miniature kei car is "too dangerous" for public roads, but a lifted 8,000-lb pickup is just fine.

#cars #safety #policy

she's 4'8"

this is part of her route home from school

we, as a society, simply do not care about children's lives

My favorite social media mind game is finally deciding to lock down and quiet quit all my other social platforms (except this one, of course) and five minutes later getting some sort of rockstar callout by someone on one of those platforms.

Dopamine's powerful stuff.

Heyo. I'm in search of a vertical mouse for hands that are small. Not small for a full-grown adult, but for an actual small human. As in tiny. Like you still shop in the kids' department small.

Where are my fellow liliputian desk workers with tennis/golf/flyfishing/nameyourbougiesport elbow (that's not actually from a sport but from mouse-clicking)?

Please and thank you for your product recommendations.


The 'Don't use motion sickness-inducing cinematography in mandatory workplace training videos' challenge, 2024 edition

Or, you know, just put it in a PDF because odds are if we are employed in higher education, we can read.

But I'll never forget about the years we could have asked if she was OK and didn't....because we thought it would come off as nosy and disrespectful.

There are far worse things in life than coming off as nosy and disrespectful.

If your gut is telling you to check in on someone, check in on them. (4/4)

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What we thought was respectful non-nosiness turned about to be a badly missed opportunity to let this person know we cared enough to ask if she was ok. She wasn't.

I'm so thankful that she and her son did eventually find their way out. They're now living their absolute best life, freely and peacefully. And she's now helping others find their way out as well, and it's so wonderful to see. (3/4)

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mentions domestic violence 

Six years ago, my former grad school neighbor and her son escaped an abusive marriage.
Back when we were both PhD students, she and her then-husband shared a wall with us. They were from a very different culture and background, and we worked hard not to question what we thought at the time was just a different way of life than what we were used to.
But looking back on it, we missed HUGE signs (I will not go into them). (2/4)

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It's never not ok to make sure those around you are ok.

Best case scenario, everyone's ok. But if they aren't, at the very least you've let them know you care enough to ask.

Ahhh, that glorious half second of silence between when the power goes out and all the neighbors' gas generators kick on

TFW you peer review the world's cringiest paper and your partner hears your quiet rants and gets an AI bot to generate a song to help you process it.

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New in JTLU: “A framework to include socio-demographic characteristics in potential job accessibility levels in low-car and car-free development areas in the Netherlands” by Rutger Meester, M. Baran Ulak, and Karst Geurs

This paper proposes an analytical framework to determine potential job accessibility in car-free development areas for population groups with different socio-demographic characteristics.

#CarFree #AccessToJobs #TransportationPlanning

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New in JTLU: “Effect of multiscale metro network-wide attributes on peak-hour station passenger and flow balancing” by haixiao pan, Miao Hu, Xiyin Deng, and Ailing Liu of Tongji University.

This paper considers the multiscale subnetwork (MSSN) as a new concept for passenger analysis in a large-scale metro network system. (1/2)

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