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Automated traffic enforcement revenue should go into a fund that:

*pays out an annual dividend to every resident with no tickets, and

*funds victim assistance for people suffering from traffic violence and facing financial hardship

what if we kissed at the Maximum 35 MPH Manatee Protection Zones 😳

Hey, i didn't realize that USDOT released a list of applications to the Reconnecting Communities grant program (h/t @streetsblogmass)

Some that were notable to me:

DC asked for $2M to study the DC 295/I-295 corridor (!!!)

Providence (not RIDOT) asked for $1.6M to study an I-95 cap

Alexandria VA asked for $240K for a feasibility study for an I-395 West End ped Bike bridge (Landmark?).


Heartbreaking. Besides the mobility loss to the community, Bill Dossett and his team at Minnesota Nice Ride are known within the US community as some of the smartest, most passionate folks around. RIP, Nice Ride.

The lease agreement between the #MBTA and City of #Somerville is one of the last steps necessary to complete to open the Community Path to the public later this spring:

Tufts planning students doing a studio class on Davis Square posted a survey link on nextdoor

I told em that we need a continuous, direct, all ages connection of the trail, and the same thing running to/from it. Direct link to survey:

Notably, this was a change that - as a public standalone project - would have easily cost seven-figures. It was carried out *for free* by the developer-owner of the adjacent park as part of its reconstruction.

Make developers build better public space next to their private developments.

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Nice before/after of the Crystal City underpass to the Mt Vernon Trail from the latest @mtvernonfriends newsletter.

I rode and jogged this nasty bit thousands of times over twenty years or so, happy to see this change.

Hypothesis: Six-lane arterials do not belong in cities. They are inherently dangerous, uncomfortable, have a barrier effect, and antagonistic to any activity outside a motor vehicle.

Support: Walmart on H St NW going under.

Customer: I ate a ferrai

Verdict: DENIED

Rich people problems, sure. But damn, I hate having to put my personal hit on display for everyone all the time.

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I wasn’t really ready for just how much privacy you surrender in trying to carve out ongoing time away from work to deal with family health issues

Not enough chat on here. I was really smitten (in a non-gross way i promise) with Audrey, and happy to see her finish a very strong challenging second.

The big question is when they tackle Mass Ave west of here through Central Sq, which studies have shown is a sheetshow.

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