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@mario_angst_sci Not really a active debate but comes up occasionally. Jennifer Kent has done some interesting academic work on it that went on The Conversation, leading to lots of comments but no political interest…

At least the interminable Eurostar line has a pleasant view of Gare du Nord

Aside: you can play spot the dog here, and compare to the number of humans waiting. Whenever the topic of pets on public transport comes up in Sydney, people seem to imagine every carriage full of fur. But in places it’s allowed, I usually see proportions like this - perhaps 1-2% of people with a pet. And this is off peak - long distance lines at 11am on a Thursday. I imagine on commuter services it’s even lower.

One of the food ones (they are chosen at random from a list of half a dozen or so, it appears).

Translation: For your health, practice a physical activity regularly. www.[eatingmoving].fr

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Something surprising for me: French TV showing sustainable transport messages below car ads! No idea if this actually does anything, but certainly a different government mindset, can’t imagine it in Australia.

Also they only appear for 3 seconds so they’re hard to photograph, sorry for the blur. Unlike the equivalent food ones (in reply) which appear for the duration of the ad.

Translation: For short journeys, privilege walking or cycling.

@getalifemike @colby use existing transport corridors? even if it requires displacing cars and/or is more expensive or longer. Detour around world heritage sites, which is what seems to have particularly upset people here. I don't know the particular project and if it's financially feasible to do it another way, what the costs and benefits are etc. But certainly more than one way any project can be done.

@jrefior The scale of the courtyard relative to the building felt pretty normal to me, compared to other courtyard buildings and apartment complexes set around open areas. My photos don't really capture the width of the building/walls itself well.

I wonder if it'll be a bit dark once the trees grow in and they still have all the footbridges.

was the greenhouse-like roof rooms attached to the top level apartments (via internal staircases). Apparently they're too cold in winter and too hot in summer to really be used for anything except keeping gardening tools, which is not too surprising as they're all glass.

The location is 5 minutes walk from the shops, 8 minutes from the train station, 1 stop to Rennes then 1.5 hour TGV to Paris.

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Visited a friend in an interesting deck-access/breezeway-type building near Rennes yesterday, 'Utopia', Bruz.

Some English description:

The courtyard seems quite dominated by the footbridges at first, but there was plenty of light at the base when we visited. Probably lets more light to the internal windows on the ground floor than a conventional corridor design. Will be interesting to see how the plants are doing in a few years.

Only flaw my friends said...
(1/2) yes the echo-chamber effect can be annoying and has led me to reduce my own boosting, which is not a great result.

- either they think they're a very important content producer and that just resharing my survey to their many followers will surely be helpful. Or they're just looking for easily-digested entertainment, which my survey is not, beyond just whacking a 'like' on the general idea of it. On the plus side, Linkedin maintains visibility of something for much longer - responses are still trickling in, whereas the Mastodon & Twitter responses came very rapidly before disappearing off people's feeds.

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Recent experience of posting a research survey on Mastodon & Twitter vs Linkedin: far more likes and shares/reposts on Linkedin, but more actual survey responses from Mastodon & Twitter. Unfortunately I didn't include a precise question on origin so I can't differentiate those two, but I'd be willing to bet that more are from Mastodon. I think it illustrates the more participatory mindset on Mastodon - vs Linkedin where people are participating with a producer/consumer mindset (cont) are you aware of this setting: or wishing for even more silencing? (as many people are, I think)

We have so few wide bike paths in Sydney that I always notice them as an absolute luxury overseas. It’s so good to be able to ride next to someone and talk to them. It’s so normal - it’s what you expect walking, if you take a tram together or drive together.

On the left, my partner’s grandpa’s place. On the right, the best bakery in Les Sables d’Olonne. Having found peak walkability, I can stop now.

Good news everyone! 

@Transportist I suppose to get marking done in time, many academics will just end up setting earlier initial deadlines. Might not be a bad thing - if at least some students submit to the early deadline and learn how to start work early, coordinate their subjects etc.

Also this seems to be the situation with many conferences - surprise extended the deadline! just like we did last year and the year before...

@gotanda there is a setting somewhere that silences repeated boosts by people you follow of the same toot within a time limit. However the time limit it uses is too short IMO. Edit: for me it’s under Preferences. Based on this GitHub thread many people want it to be more adjustable:

@Bucket I've not personally used any, but heard of a few outfits via the CoS: (Zoomo, Jot, Lug & Carrie, and Sydney Ebike Rentals.)

They generally do monthly rental/leases, which is a great way to try it out for long enough to actually find the good routes to your places. (Which often takes some trial and error in Sydney!)

Trains of the day a few days ago 

@Anibyl it was really good. Kinda the character of a lemony chicken soup you might eat when sick

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